The Heart of a Singer - Opera Singer, Christian Musician, Make Music, Spiritual Growth, Prophetic Song

Welcome to The Heart of a Singer Podcast. I’m Sarah Toth, Heart Coach, mom of 2, trained opera singer, and passionate lover of Jesus. This podcast is a home for Christian women who have trained and worked in singing, opera, and musical theater; but maybe you’ve found yourself in a place of unrest, bottled-up emotions, and even feeling far from God. But through the hurt of your circumstances, you might be feeling an invitation from the Lord - to learn to hear his voice more clearly and to open up yours in a new way. It’s time to move out of your desert season, musically, spiritually, and emotionally so that you can move forward in a healthy way and step out into the next chapter that God has for you. So I invite you to open up your journal, grab your favorite pen, and then join me, as we move from Stuck to Thriving, while unlocking your heart again to beat for His Kingdom Purposes. Contact:

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7 days ago

Have you lost motivation to sing or feel stuck vocally?
I’ve noticed a trend—those with the most training and experience in singing are often the ones who struggle most with self-doubt and burnout. With Easter just around the corner, a time when musicians are frequently called upon to use their gifts, you might find yourself feeling weighed down rather than inspired. If that’s you, let’s reframe your relationship with your voice and get unstuck.
I want to challenge you to bring a Sacrifice of Praise to God—to sing to Him even when, especially when, it costs you something. As you engage with this discipline, you may start to experience greater ease in your voice, a reawakened heart, and a deeper connection with God.
This Lenten season, put His praise on your lips throughout your day. Let your voice become an offering.
“Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name.” – Hebrews 13:15 (NKJV)
“…be filled in the Spirit, speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks for all things...” – Ephesians 5:19 (LSV)
47. Singing the Psalms to Reignite Your Heart and Voice
10. Release What’s Inside of You by Bringing Your Singing Voice into Your Prayer Time
21. Three Tips for Relieving Stress Through Improvisational Singing
The Facebook Group Opens Next Week!! Email me to be among the first to receive the link to join:

Wednesday Feb 26, 2025

47. Singing the Psalms to Reignite Your Heart and Voice
Have you ever felt like your singing has lost its spark? In this episode, we explore a powerful way to reconnect with your voice and your heart—singing the Psalms. This ancient yet deeply personal practice can help you experience greater vocal freedom, spontaneous expression, and a renewed sense of joy in your singing.
Join me as we break down a simple three-step method to start singing the Psalms today. You’ll  learn how to choose a Psalm, find the right moment to engage with it, and begin singing from the overflow of your heart. Whether you’re a seasoned singer or just looking for a fresh way to engage with scripture, this episode will inspire you to let go, experiment, and glorify God with your voice.
Sarah 🌟

Thursday Feb 20, 2025

Are you a singer who is craving more vocal freedom and spontaneity? To be able to imagine something and be able to sing it? The key for finding this for me didn’t involved complicated exercises or more warmups. I found breakthrough when I started singing in the spirit. Stay tuned and I’ll tell you how.
" filled continually with the Holy Spirit. And your hearts will overflow with a joyful song to the Lord. Keep speaking to each other with words of Scripture, singing the Psalms with praises and spontaneous songs given by the Spirit!"
Ephesians 5:18-19, TPT

Wednesday Feb 12, 2025

I want to share with you some vision for the opera space, and what God might be inviting you into as a Christian who is a classically trained opera singer.
Sarah 🌟
9. A Vision for the Performing Arts When Partnered with God
35. It’s Time to Activate Your Creative God Dream Within the Performing Arts
36. Singers Are Creators: Reimagine What You Can Do as a Classically-Trained Singer

Wednesday Feb 05, 2025

Why would I ever want to improvise as a Classical Singer? Does that sound scary and like a crazy thing to learn to do? I see three amazing reasons that Improvisation is Important for Opera Singers:
1. Improvising helps us better understand composed material
2. Improvisation helps us listen and connect with other musicians
3. Improvisation is a Heart Rate Monitor for Classical Singers
Our God is a creator - out of the abundance of who he is, he created the world and every living thing! We are made in His image, and it is also in our nature to create! “Out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.” (Luke 6:45) I can’t wait for you to experience the flow of music coming from your heart!
Sarah 🌟

Wednesday Jan 29, 2025

Have you ever wanted to create an original piece? Here are the only 3 Elements you need to create your very own classical piece of music! And the twist? You can steal atleast 2 of them!!! I’ll show you how.
Here are the Three Elements:
1. Text/Story
2. Music
3. Audience
Sarah 🌟

Wednesday Jan 22, 2025

Are you ready to get started creating original material to perform? Creating a Song Mashup is a great place to start! This is perfect for Opera Singers who don’t have experience composing or arranging, and you don’t even need piano skills! In this episode, I give you the step-by-step process to creating a Song Mashup in less than an hour. Seriously - you can be done in less than 60 minutes. This is a great way to process what you’ve been thinking or feeling, or alternatively, you could use it to get inside the head of a character! I can’t wait for you to get started. Let's go!
Sarah 🌟

Wednesday Jan 15, 2025

Do you feel like you want to create an original piece of music, but find that something keeps holding you back? In this podcast episode, we briefly look at four objections that I've seen trained opera singers have to creating their own new music. And we'll look at a "remedy" for each of these! Hint: You have PERMISSION to break all of the rules!! Get ready to be inspired to start making stuff. Let's go!
Sarah 🌟

Wednesday Jan 08, 2025

Do you feel like God is placing something on your heart to share musically? Do you have a creative idea as an opera singer, but you’re not quite sure where to start? Why not creative an original piece! Here is 3 reasons why I think ALL Christian Opera Singers should create original pieces:
1. It's Therapeutic
2. It's Vocally Freeing
3. It Can be Glorifying to God
Sarah 🌟
36. Singers Are Creators: Reimagine What You Can Do as a Classically-Trained Singer

Wednesday Jan 01, 2025

What could the Performing Arts look like when partnered with God? What if people could get healed while seeing an opera? What if God’s presence was tangibly felt in theaters? What if new works were written, inspired by Holy Spirit? Could God be calling you to listen in to what is on His heart for the Arts? As we enter a new year, lets unpack together what might be possible. My prayer is that faith rises up within you to partner with God in a new way in your artistry. Let’s dig in!
- Sarah 🌟

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