The Heart of a Singer - Opera Singer, Christian Musician, Make Music, Spiritual Growth, Prophetic Song
Welcome to The Heart of a Singer Podcast. I’m Sarah Toth, Heart Coach, mom of 2, trained opera singer, and passionate lover of Jesus. This podcast is a home for Christian women who have trained and worked in singing, opera, and musical theater; but maybe you’ve found yourself in a place of unrest, bottled-up emotions, and even feeling far from God. But through the hurt of your circumstances, you might be feeling an invitation from the Lord - to learn to hear his voice more clearly and to open up yours in a new way. It’s time to move out of your desert season, musically, spiritually, and emotionally so that you can move forward in a healthy way and step out into the next chapter that God has for you. So I invite you to open up your journal, grab your favorite pen, and then join me, as we move from Stuck to Thriving, while unlocking your heart again to beat for His Kingdom Purposes. Contact:

Friday May 24, 2024
Friday May 24, 2024
9. A Vision for the Performing Arts When Partnered With God
What if we partnered with God to see his presence filling our performing spaces? What if we saw more artists led by Holy Spirit in these spaces? I have a vision to see revival and healing breakout in the performing arts! Let's pursue this together.

Friday May 17, 2024
Friday May 17, 2024
8. Beat Anxiety by Embracing and Naming Your “Pivot Season” as a Singer in the Performing Arts
Some Signs you may be starting to Pivot:* Not drawn to the same things anymore* You might start to feel things are “expiring,” loosing favor, or changing* Unfulfilled with where you are at* Possibly a sense of shame and anxiety - You don't feel aligned with what you've invested in up until now. But yet you’re not sure what the alternative is yet.
* It's important to acknowledge the change* You may not know what you’re pivoting to, but that’s ok
***Name Your “Messy Middle” Pivot***
1. Describe where you are at right now - in real life2. Brainstorm words and adjectives associated with what you've described3. Capture what God has been saying to you or working with you on (i.e.: surrender, stepping out, going deeper, laying things down). Allow Holy Spirit to bring things to mind.4. Craft a Phrase. Examples: A Desert Season; An Emerging; The Major Re-shifting5. Sit with the name and description of your current pivot season. Allow God to speak to your heart about where he has you and his promises about you.

Friday May 10, 2024
Friday May 10, 2024
7. Are You a Singer Who’s Not Singing? 5 Quick Ways to Step Out of Your Silence and into Your Voice Again!
I was in a place of not wanting to sing - anywhere. Not in the car, not in the shower, not at church. I share how I got to that point, and what brought me out of it.
Here are 5 things you can do today to help you enjoying singing again:
1. Sing fun, silly things for fun for no one in particular
2. Find a place to show up and sing regularly
3. Check In - How are you doing in this moment?
4. Move your body! - Have fun, dance, stretch
5. Breath - find deep, easy breathing again
BONUS - Give it away! Sing for someone to love and nurture them.

Friday May 03, 2024
Friday May 03, 2024
6. We Can Do What Jesus Did - 6 Ways This Changed My Life
Everything that Jesus did on earth, he did to model what WE would do too, as his followers, as Children of God.
We are called to life WITH God, not just FOR God. We are invited into a partnership to see God's realm here on earth.
We are called to life like Jesus did:
Union with God
Be filled with Holy Spirit and have the power of God flowing through us for:
Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual Healing
Deliverance from Demonic Oppression
How has this changed my life?
I expect things to happen when I pray
I can Partner with God's authority - speak directly to command change.
I protect the presence of God in me
My life goals are framed by what it looks like to bring heaven to earth
I take what God says as truth, rather than my current experiences
I steward what God says about me - my identity and my calling
-> How would this change how you lived today?

Friday Apr 26, 2024
Friday Apr 26, 2024
5. 10-Minute Heart Scan with God for Singers
Goal: Wholehearted Living!
Psalm 51:10
“Create in me a clean heart, O God;and renew a right spirit within me.”
Psalm 51:6
“You desire truth in the inward parts,And in the hidden parts You will make me to know wisdom.”
What's Required?
Honesty about where you’re at
Openness to hear from God ***
10-Minute Heart Scan:
1. Ask Yourself:
"How’s your heart?"
Write down your thoughts.
2. Speak it Outloud:
Take a few moments to sit in stillness and just breath. Reflect on what you’ve just written about your heart and start to describe out loud that state of your heart right now, summarizing what you’ve written.
3. Invite Holy Spirit into the Process:
Ask Outloud:
"Holy Spirit, what would you like to reveal to me today about my heart?"
OR Pray this Scripture Outloud (Psalm 139:23-24 TPT):
INVITE: “God, I invite your searching gaze into my heart"
RECOGNIZE: “See if there is any path of pain I’m walking on"
RELEASE: “Lead me back to your glorious, everlasting ways - the path that brings me back to you”
Grab one thing Holy Spirit highlighted to you today - write it on a sticky note to put somewhere prominent.
Share with a friend or your spouse this week.
*** Trouble Hearing from God? Listen to Episode 3:
3. Dry season with God? Five Unique Ways to Hear From God Again as a Singer in the Performing Arts

Friday Apr 19, 2024
Friday Apr 19, 2024
4. Singing is Your Superpower: Using Your Voice as a Tool to Do Hard Things
You can use your singing voice as a processing tool - to help you move from one thing to another! Examples from my recent birth story.
"HARD" is not the same thing as "BAD."
Recorded: April 12, 2024
Released: April 19, 2024

Friday Apr 05, 2024
Friday Apr 05, 2024
3. Dry season with God? Five Unique Ways to Hear From God Again as a Singer in the Performing Arts
1. Variations on Journaling:
* Voice Journaling
* Asking God Specific Questions
* DM-ing with God!
2. During Worship
3. The Bible
* Reading Scripture Outloud
* Singing Scripture
4. Ministry - Drawing on Giftings
* Praying for people
* Encouraging Others
5. Dreams and Interpretation
Which are you going to try this week?

Friday Apr 05, 2024
Friday Apr 05, 2024
2. Start Here - Escape Your Desert Season by Plotting Your Journey as a Singer
Ask Yourself and Give a Title for Each Season:
1. Where are you now?
2. Where have you been?
3. Where are you going? / What are your Hopes and Dreams?
Then plot these on a map!

Friday Apr 05, 2024
Friday Apr 05, 2024
The Elusive Heart: Unpacking Your Heart with God as a Singer in the Performing Arts
Learn about:
* My Journey
* Why I Started this Podcast
* The Importance of the State of your Heart
* A Vision for the Arts Partnered with God
* My 4 Goals for this Podcast

Tuesday Apr 02, 2024
Tuesday Apr 02, 2024
Welcome to The Heart of a Singer Podcast. I’m Sarah Toth, Heart Coach, mom of 2, trained opera singer, and passionate lover of Jesus.
This podcast is a home for Christian women who have trained and worked in singing, opera, and musical theater; but maybe you’ve found yourself in a place of unrest, bottled-up emotions, and even feeling far from God. But through the hurt of your circumstances, you might be feeling an invitation from the Lord - to learn to hear his voice more clearly and to open up yours in a new way.
It’s time to move out of your desert season, musically, spiritually, and emotionally so that you can move forward in a healthy way and step out into the next chapter that God has for you.
So I invite you to open up your journal, grab your favorite pen, and then join me, as we move from Stuck to Thriving, while unlocking your heart again to beat for His Kingdom Purposes.